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One great thing about being married...

...is waking up to notes like this on the bathroom vanity:

Yes, that is "I love you" written in q-tips and cotton balls and I found it when I woke up this morning. It is DEFINITELY the little things that mean the most!


Life of a Savannah Wife said...

Wow, that is so sweet and creative!!! My husband would never think of that (even if I left the how-to directions on the counter). So so sweet!!!

Adrienne said...

That is so totally adorable! How wonderful to wake up to that! :)

dreaming in pink and green said...

aaaawwww! :) now THAT's love!

Confessions of a Northern Belle said...


Polka Dots & Protein Bars said...

Awww how sweet is that?!

Kristal said...

Soo sweet! I hope my man does stuff like this once we tie the knot!

Beth Dunn said...

That is so sweet! I might have to copy and do that for husband. xoxo


Pam said...

Adorable! I love it!

LauraAnn said...

Haha! That is so darn sweet!

Shayla said...

that is SO ADORABLE!!!!

I love it!!!

Chocolate Lover said...

That is so sweet! Brownie points for the hubby!

Genevieve said...

That is the cutest thing I have ever seen!!!

Bonnie said...

That is so sweet!